Privacy policy.


The Service Provider processes Customer’s personal data exclusively in order to correctly perform Services, including registering Customers, accepting and executing Orders, carrying out complaints procedures and promotional or advertising actions, using for this purpose the data included in the application form – first and last name, address, phone number, e-mail address and IP address.

Personal data of the Customers who place orders are processed for the time required to execute the provisions of the present agreement, in particular Orders accepted to be executed and the Complaints procedure.

Customers’ personal data will be transmitted to third parties, i.e. Deliverers, to the extent necessary to correctly execute the Customer’s order.

The Service Provider is the data controller within the meaning of the Act of August 29, 1997, on personal data protection (Journal of Laws [Dz. U.] No. 133, item 883 as amended). The data set has been submitted for registration to the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection.

Customer’s personal data shall be processed according to the safety rules, required by the Act of August 29, 1997, on personal data protection (Dz. U. No. 133, item 883 as amended).

The Service Provider may process other than personal data, which are not necessary for providing the service, only with the prior consent of the customer, expressed after informing them of the categories of data, purpose and scope of the processing and recipients of the data. Such a consent may be revoked at any time.

The Service Provider may also provide the following data which characterize the manner in which the Customer uses the service provided by electronic means (operating data):

  1. identification of the Customer;

  2. signs which identify network terminal or the ICT system that the Customer used;

  3. information of the beginning, end and scope of each use of the service provided by electronic means;

  4. information of Customer’s use of services provided by electronic means.

According to the Act on the provision of services by electronic means (Dz. U. 2002, No. 144, item 1204 as amended), the Customer agrees to receive at their e-mail address submitted in the registration form and later updated while using the System, commercial information from the Service Provider.

Every Customer has the right to access to their data, correction, demand to stop processing the data and opposition to the processing, at any moment. Such a demand shall be placed in writing directly to the address of the Service Provider. If a Customer presents a demand which will make it impossible to execute an Order after it has been accepted, the Service Provider shall not be liable for non-performance or improper performance of the Order.

Personal data are stored by the Service Provider for the purpose of performing Services and by the Payment System Operator, to the extent necessary to handle payments.