Pawel Olszczynski: Mystic Worlds
Pawel Olszczynski, a visual artist was born in 1985 in Cracow, where he graduated from Academy of Fine Arts and then Hochshule fur Gestaltung in Offenbach am Main, Germany. Currently based in Warsaw.
Olszczynski's art features mystic and surrealistic themes, often rooted in the history of art, but also corresponding to phenomena such as the history of design or contemporary visual culture.
Photos: The Kiss, sculpture by Auguste Rodin; An Aquarius and a nymph cradling a baby, vase by Konstanty Laszczka ca. 1920.
Rodin’s sculptural heritage
Olszczynski’s body of work often refers to the founder of modern sculpting Auguste Rodin and his artistic European successors like Polish sculptor Konstanty Laszczka, whose sculptures were often spiritual and allegoric, often taken from the world of animals and fairy tales.
A mythical figure of chimera, in Olszczynski's art is a synonym for a liberated woman who remains an independent, fantastic figure.
|Chimera| In Greek mythology, the Chimera was a fearsome, fire-breathing monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail.