Porcelain Stories: Monika Patuszynska


Porcelain doesn’t surrender easily to the artist, because it’s not a subservient or patient material. It has its own opinion. This pride is the most beautiful feature of porcelain.

- Monika Patuszynska, Ceramic Artist


Patuszynska is an exact opposite of a porcelain factory worker – she breaks plaster forms, she saws them into pieces. [...] She looks for stitches, edges and broken structures and creates dynamic and smooth shapes out of them. This resembles putting together non-matching elements of a jigsaw puzzle.

- Natasha Mayo, from the National Centre for Ceramics in Cardiff.

Porcelain Stories

Patuszynska first became fascinated with ceramics early in the 1990s. She lived in Denmark, where she attended a local high school. During a scholarship in Paris, she encountered casting – a technique that remains her favorite method of creation. When she returned to Poland she became a student of the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, where she received her diploma in 1999. Since 2001, she has been running a ceramic studio in Milanowek near Warsaw.

Proudly presenting at Frederika Galerie an exclusive selection of Patuszynska porcelain objects: vases, candle holders and stunning sculptures from The Genealogy Series.



“It is a story about combining the similar with dissimilar, matching and mismatching, transferred to objects.”

Words and picture above: culture.pl


Shop The Artist:


Marta Wojtuszek: Nature’s Dynamic And Rhythm


Studio Visit: Olga Milczynska